Posts tagged #activities for kids


You did it...

You made it to the end of term!
Now rip that Head Teachers Award off the school jumper and whack it on yourself! You actually did it!

The long pandemic has been so testing for us all. It’s made adulting extremely difficult, and being a child incredibly dull.

Despite the nitty gritty, I believe a lot has come out of the world coming to a stand still. And now it’s time for us to slow down, turn off all those alarms, to stop living the whacky races and start having fun.

Juggling between keeping children entertained and active, yet still having to tackle daily tasks- all while keeping within a reasonable budget can seem reeeaally daunting. However, fear not and behold! I stumbled across an amazing blog to help you on your way.


Why not spend some quality time together and learn the art of screen printing and get an insight of what we do and LOVE here at Sight Hound!

Hunt the Moon do some nice-looking started kits here.

-And don’t forget there are colouring pages to download from Sight-Hound for FREE!

Baxter notelet sq.jpg

Now go and have some fun!